Customize Extension

How to customize the extension and use it in your Bulma project.

Install Bulma

If you don’t already have Bulma installed, it should have been installed when you installed bulma-horizontal-card via NPM as it is a dependency.

You can install Bulma manually with:

npm i bulma

Import into your SASS/CSS

After you’ve installed bulma-horizontal-card via NPM into your Bulma project directory, you can integrate it into your SCSS/SASS by adding the following line. Place this line after the line(s) that import Bulma (or at minimum, Bulma’s components/card.sass)

// scss
@import '@telophase/bulma-horizontal-card'
// sass
@import @telophase/bulma-horizontal-card

bulma-horizontal-card should now be built into your SASS and any compiled CSS from it.

Edit SASS from NPM

Depedening on your NODE_ENV settings, development dependencies for bulma-horizontal-card may not have been installed. Run the following code to install them explicitly. This will install Bulma and Dart SASS.

npm i @telophase/bulma-horizontal-card --only=dev

You can find the raw SASS at ../node_modules/@telophase/bulma-horizontal-card/sass/index.sass. You can then build the SASS from that directory using the included scripts css-build and css-min.

NOTE: Node-SASS has been deprecated. The included scripts use Dart SASS command syntax in order to compile CSS. If you wish to use node-SASS anyway, you’ll need to edit the scripts in package.json.


General Variables

To provide room to style or tweak horizontal cards separately from “normal” vertical cards, horizontal cards use unique variables for colors, radii, etc.

By default, these are mapped to the same variables that normal cards use (the “Equivalent” column in this chart).

Name Description Equivalent Default Value
$hcard-color Card text color. $card-color $text
$hcard-background-color Card background color. $card-background-color $scheme-main
$hcard-shadow Card shadows. $card-shadow $shadow
$hcard-radius Card radius (roundness). $card-radius 0.25rem
$hcard-header-background-color Background color for card headers. $card-header-background-color transparent
$hcard-header-color Card header text color. $card-header-color $text-strong
$hcard-header-padding Text padding in card headers. $card-header-padding 0.75rem 1rem
$hcard-header-shadow Shadows for card headers. $card-header-shadows 0 0.125em 0.25em rgba($scheme-invert, 0.1)
$hcard-header-weight Font weight for card header text. $card-header-weight $weight-bold
$hcard-content-background-color Card content background color. $card-content-background-color transparent
$hcard-content-padding Padding for internal card contents. $card-content-padding transparent
$hcard-footer-background-color Background color for the card footer. $card-footer-background-color transparent
$hcard-footer-border-top Definition of the card footer top border. $card-footer-border-top 1px solid $border-light
$hcard-footer-padding Padding around card footers. $card-footer-padding 0.75rem
$hcard-media-margin Margin around card media. $card-media-margin $block-spacing

Unique to bulma-horizontal-card

These variables are used by horizontal cards only and are not shared with/inherited by normal cards.

Name Description Default Value
$hcard-image-small-size Width of the .card-image in horizontal cards using .is-small $hcard-image-default-size * 0.5
$hcard-image-default-size Width of the .card-image in horizontal cards without modifiers or using .is-normal 12.5%
$hcard-image-medium-size Width of the .card-image in horizontal cards using .is-medium $hcard-image-default-size * 1.5
$hcard-image-large-size Width of the .card-image in horizontal cards using .is-large $hcard-image-default-size * 2.5